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It's a flake

I have always admired knitted items with exquisite designs on them. Since I've never had the patience to do a really intense project, I wanted to start with something relatively simple.  Being that it is winter in Maine, I decided to try my first snowflake hat. I LOVE how it came out!  (I see many more in my future in an assortment of colors...)  As I was knitting happily along, I was thinking about who this hat would be for. The first person that came to mind is a very sweet gal who takes great care of me at Starbucks. :)  Wanted to bless her with a little something for her holiday and the long Maine winter. 

The Simple Snowflake pattern can be found on Ravelry. You do need an account to get the pattern from there, but it's free, and it's a fun place to meet other knitters and share patterns and ideas.

© Louise Cunningham 2014   ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 

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