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Back again

Welcome back to me! I have been absent from my knitting for over two years now. I took up running, and racing, and thus all my time and energy has been spent doing that. Right now, I am finding myself with a few extra minutes per day, and since winter has set in here in Maine, I decided it was time to do a fresh new look to the blog and start posting about something other than my running for a change. Thus... Knitting Friendszy was reborn!

Today I finished a pair of mittens for a dear friend of mine. I wanted to do something for her. Many doors and opportunities in the running world have come my way because of her, and I will always be grateful.  I decided to try and whip up a pattern of my own. I looked at numerous patterns for mittens that I had been using, and decided to blend them together to create something that would work for me and be easy to use. I struggled with giving this pattern a name, but decided on "Winter Wonder Driving Mittens". I wanted to knit some mittens with a chunky type yarn that was non-wool. My hands are extremely dry in the winter time due to all of the hand sanitizer I use where I work. Knitting with wool, makes that dryness worse. I have a favorite spot for Deborah Norville's SERENITY Chunky Weight Acrylic yarn. It comes in great shades and combinations of colors. The only thing I don't care for is that when it gets wet, it really gets wet. Like a sponge, and sops up the water.  I know for myself, when I go out in the morning to clear off my car before work, my mittens/gloves always get soaked and then I have wet hands to drive with on a freezing cold steering wheel. My thought was to make a pair of mittens that can be left in the car, that you can slip on just for driving. Problem solved, and Barbie's new mittens were born!

And here's Barb enjoying her mittens in the fresh snow!

Love ya Barb!

If you would like the pattern, it is HERE for you to use. 

© Louise Cunningham 2014   ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 

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